Celebrating My 4th Blog Anniversary Today: How I Started As A Blogger

“But how?” I asked my friend Carl as we take a sip of sangria inside a pub in Katipunan. It was the summer of 2016 and smirking at me he replied, “just start tonight when you get home.” So I went home kinda drunk thinking what am I going to name my blog. I didn’t know exactly what the hell happened that night but I ended up with marronisgoing.

Why #marronisgoing?

I am fortunate to have traveled to some of the most beautiful places in the Philippines and honestly, the main reason for this blog is to share the travel guide, itineraries, personal reviews, and budget breakdown to my close friends and family.

Somehow, it was tiring to reply to each photo comment or personal message answering things like that. So this website basically started as a travel blog.

Fast forward to 2020, this blog is celebrating its 4th year anniversary.


When I started blogging, I was 100% clueless about it. I wasn’t even good at writing if I’m being honest with myself, I didn’t know jack shit about themes and templates, and I don’t think I was that passionate in terms of telling my story. But you know what happens when you follow Nike’s slogan and just do it? You actually gain some unexpected love and skills from it.

You free yourself powerfully to the fundamentals of sharing your adventures. And it is liberating AF. Although writing personal stuff can be a bit scary at times but when you started owning it, no one in the world could actually take it away from you. That shit is liberating.

Through the years, my readers grew from ten people (who are my close friends) to thousands. I started engaging audiences from Asia and the Pacific, North America, Europe, and some few from South America and Africa. Which is a complete surprise for me and is leaving me joyful in high spirits!

Now I can say that writing, apart from my many interests, is something that I always wanted to do for the rest of my life. It is a passion that I didn’t know at first but eventually blossomed in silence and developed out of my focus.


I am very much thankful for all the closed doors and unanswered prayers that lead me straight to discovering this path. I am even more grateful for being deported this year and from getting cut out of my job recently because of COVID-19. The whole lockdown and enhanced community quarantine have given me the time to learn all the skills relating to blogging.

Although there are still a lot to learn, I am hella decided to be more serious about growing this blog. For the past few weeks, I have been silently guiding myself on how to earn money from home with the power of the internet and it is so exciting for me because I am not a ‘tech savvy’ my whole life and I think I am finally learning now.

If I pulled this laptop-based lifestyle off, my plan is to travel long term and be a complete nomad just like my travel blogger idols. So this time I won’t be afraid to shoot for the moon, because as what they say even if I miss, I will definitely land among stars.

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.


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      Marron Santillan

      Thank you so much! I look forward for your upcoming blogs as well. I checked your profile and I all I know is that you are from Great Britain. One of my long time online best friends lives in London! Was about to come visit and see him next year but I guess it won’t happen yet. And hey! I don’t think you are irrelevant because you got some kick ass poetry!

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  1. Anj Salvador

    Congratulations! Well done for organically growing your audience. Travelling indeed have many touch points and hey you write about your experiences well too ๐Ÿ™‚ looking forward to seeing you grow further (and maybe share some tips on how to grow your blog ๐Ÿ˜Š)

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      Marron Santillan

      That’s totally sounds like a plan. It’s funny because I woke up today with a message from a friend asking me things on how to start a blog! Thank you so much, Anj! Hope you are staying physically and mentally safe wherever you are in the world!

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  2. darellphilip

    Congratulations Marron. This lockdown has definitely given us time to be more creative in terms of blogging and discovering other bloggers along the way! I’m glad I found your blog and wish that for the next 4 years and beyond you begin to position yourself in the place you hope to be in realising your travel blogging dreams! Blessings my bro! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’›

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      Marron Santillan

      Darell, youโ€™re too kind! I am so stoked I discovered your blog as well. I shall remember that blessings just in case I doubt myself in the future. Thank you so much, old sport! ๐Ÿ’›

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  3. Monch Weller

    Congratulations for making it through four years! ๐Ÿ™‚

    A lot of bloggers nowadays start their journey, but abandon their blog midway. I’ve seen a lot of that since I started in 2013: many becoming active, then suddenly hitting the breaks come 2016 or 2017. Some do make an effort to return (a lot did so during this extended quarantine period), which is equally commendable.

    It’s a different field for those consistently churning out posts through the years. And good luck with your next steps! ๐Ÿ™‚

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      Marron Santillan

      I think the only reason I kept up through those four years is that I just write all the thoughts in my head that I am too shy to say in person. Thank you so much, Monch! Appreciate it!

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  4. Eris

    Congrats on four years! Sorry to hear about your job. But you’re working hard for the future – and this could be the start of something amazing. Keep learning and growing, and all the best !

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  5. Jirah Merizz

    Congratulations on 4 years!!!! I really love the story behind how your blog started and now here you are! โค๏ธ Iโ€™m wishing you all the best to come. Keep on writing and sharing your stories to us! ๐Ÿ’•โœจ

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          1. Jirah Merizz

            Thank you so much, Marron! I would really appreciate it if you use the links too! I wish you all the best in your self-hosting process!

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  6. madeline2020

    I just started my blog in early May so definitely a newb at it all but its so much fun. I hit 1,000 views last night and felt like having a party. I love to hear people say they started not knowing much and learned along the way. Gives me hope!

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      Marron Santillan

      Thatโ€™s actually true! The only way to figure it all out is going out there and see it yourself. You will learn and it will be overwhelming at first but youโ€™ll be good at it! You will enjoy blogging ๐Ÿ™‚ Congratulations and good luck!

  7. Noriel Sanvictores

    Congratulations, Marron! I admire your perseverance in pursuing this blogging career. I love it when you mentioned having your own piece – yeah – no one can take it away from you ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m pretty new to the blogging world and I have chosen the travel niche. In the midst of this pandemic, we all know that the travel industry has been hardly hit but I am positive that we’ll bounce back ๐Ÿ™‚
    talk soon

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      Marron Santillan

      Hey Noriel! So stoked to hear it from you! Congratulations back on starting a travel blog! Travel is also the niche of this blog and I couldn’t be more passionate about it. So fired up for you and good luck bud!

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  8. Rowell Cruz

    Good day! Managed to visit your blog because of your “like” in my recent blog entry. Thank you! You got an interesting blog! I think travel experiences are really worth blogging and I am glad to know that you got the chance to travel the Philippines a lot! You remind me of my old blogging days. Been in and out of the blogging world. (Should be celebrating 14th year this month :)) But due to this lock down, I got inspired to blog again and I am really happy to see fellow Filipinos who are still into it.

    Congratulations on your 4th year and hope to read more of your travel stories soon!

    P.S.: It’s nice that you are taking what happened to your job more on a positive way. I hope we’d be all okay and be able to bounce back soon! Keep safe! We will all travel again soon! ๐Ÿ™‚

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      Marron Santillan

      Thanks, Rowell. And happy 14th year of blogging to you! It might be a rollercoaster ride for you, and it might not be consistent but I think it’s still 14 years for falling in and out of love to blogging!

      And yes, we will travel again soon! Thanks a again, old sport!

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