Hey friends! Surprised that you are reading this from me? 😊
Today I’m getting back my passion for writing. It’s been 2 years since I last posted a blog and after that, I hit the damn wall. I wrote a couple of blogs, you might have read it if all this time you are here. The first one was simply trying to ignite the writer in me but failing to do so. And the other one was that one time in the middle of cold rocky December when I was cheerlessly lonely.

A lot of things had happened since I left this space in June of 2021. I remember sitting in front of my laptop and whatever the hell I do, my fingers couldn’t even touch the keyboard. It seems like somewhere through my veins, I lost connection with my mind and my heart.
So I found refuge to keep up my creativity with TikTok in which I gained followers mostly from the cycling community. I recently did a Gran Fondo because there is no better way to celebrate my 100,000-follower milestone! My Facebook Page also has 70,000 followers now.

When you come to the bottom of it, you might think, “Oh my god, it sounds like a Pixar success story!”
But it isn’t.
Because success doesn’t really come with popularity. That is for another story though.
But let’s talk about The Now. And right now, I am writing this blog and I can feel it rushing through me. Perhaps I hit the wall so hard that I break through it. FINALLY.

I was planning to get on my saddle and solo ride to the hilly route of Doña Remedios Trinidad because I don’t feel like socializing. But it’s just that, the weather forecast and my peace of mind disagreed with each other.
So I got on the freshly washed road bike that I named Dracarys anyway and cycled to Neopolitan. Got myself an iced Americano and went home before 9 am.
14.31 km to be exact. Even my dogs were surprised when I got home that early!
Sure, it wasn’t the typical and average Saturday bike ride that I am having lately. But it gave me more satisfaction.

What I’m trying to say here is that sometimes in life, it’s okay to decide not to keep up with your usual weekend-long ride. Sometimes it doesn’t always have to be the Strava ride uploads that should be more than 50 km.
And if there’s one thing that I learned from my hiatus, that burnout recovery takes years. It is not something that you can easily fix over the weekend.
Maybe I haven’t totally recovered yet from this ‘burnout’ but I guess I’m better now.
I am not pressured by my own terms anymore. I feel fine and I’m happy.
Most of all, it’s good to be back. It’s good to write again.
I missed you all.