The idea of running 26.2 miles or 42 kilometers sounds hella painful and horrifying. I mean, Isn’t it? But I truly believe that pain is just temporary and pride is forever. And running a full marathon has been my long time dream – I remember writing down “To run a marathon” on a homework back …
There are a lot of blogs that will give you the whole guide on how to prepare for a certain race. Like ‘what to do the night before race day’, ‘what to eat for breakfast on the actual race day’ and some ‘how to recover quickly from a race’. But no one is really talking …
Everything is super fast-paced. I can still recall being all sleepy last year’s new years eve writing about how 2017 was a painful year to me; still feeling that positive energy I have for the coming year which is 2018. And then days turn into weeks. Weeks quickly turn to months. And before I know …
Hey Spartans! It’s me Marron talking about fitness. Something new yeah? So with my great spontaneity after seeing this specific ad as I was browsing my timeline on Facebook, I got curious about Spartan Race. They say, when you want to go somewhere you like and no one else wants to go, go by yourself. You’ll meet …