Right after my plane landed back in Manila from Bali sometime around September 2019, I had an avalanche of feels that I no longer enjoy my job. And when I found out that I will be peacing out to move and live to Dubai (I mean it’s very spontaneous, thanks to my friends who sponsored …
Dear Friends, I hope all is well with you. Honestly, this is by far, to this date, the most liberating trip I had in my life and I couldn’t be more excited to share what happened when I solo travel in Indonesia. I LIVED THE BEST ISLAND DAYS OF MY LIFE YET! Oh, and if …
I can’t remember the day that I first heard the name Jomalig Island, same as well as the first time I saw pictures of it from the internet. But after learning how raw, delicate and exquisite this island is, I knew what my heart is truly longing for. And that’s some one F crazy trip …
I am in the middle of life changeover as I write this blogpost because the day before my flight was my last day at Starbucks Reserve. And before I move back into our home in Quezon City and transfer back to my original district, I found myself lonely in a lot of ways… I never …
ou know, just like every year, I can’t totally describe how 2017 was like for me. But I will try to describe it anyway. Because while I look forward to the new year, I am taking the stock to look back on my accomplishments, or lack thereof.
I’ve been really tired and hell uninspired, sitting in front of my computer as I start to write this blog about my trip to Baler that happened 6 months ago. I know it took me so much time to document the fun because 1.) I’ve been so busy with my career and at the same …
There was one time back in March 2015 when one airline launched a promo fare. And dude, it was rationally cheap so I am hundred percent decided on grabbing it. So I asked my friends if they wanted to go to Boracay sometime around September and some of them insisted on securing a flight before May …